BHS Shield (Image Missing!)

Bernice Davis (nee McAtee)

After almost 40 years, I doubt that many of you would remember me. I came to Bundy High very nervous in 1965 as the Catholic girl to the big State school where I knew no-one!! It was intimidating even before I met Miss Westaway for English in year 11!! however I cannot remember not enjoying my time at BHS and I recall those softball and vigoro games well!

After finishing Senior, I went to Kelvin Grove Teacher's College majoring in Home Economics and then began a thoroughly enjoyable teaching career at Bundaberg State High in 1969, then Kingaroy before I married a banker, Peter Davis in 1970. Peter and I moved many times with the Commercial Bank of Aust, later Westpac and reared two sons Damian now 35 and James 28. Damian has two children, Mali and Finn who are the delight of my days.  I always say Nannie is the best job I have ever had!!

I worked with Ed Qld for 22 years before again teaching within the Catholic Ed system for some 10 more years. I had the pleasure of running a boarding school in Rockhampton as well as being an Accommodation Offficer for an International College in Brisbane during my varied career. I also was Acting Senior Mistress at BHS in 1985 for some three months whilst Nina Higgins was on leave.. How life treats us!

I was sadly and suddenly widowed in 2003 and have only recently moved to Mapleton in the Blackall Ranges from Toowoomba and am thoroughly enjoying living here. I retired last year from full time work but have gone back 2 1/2 days this year at St John's Nambour in Special Needs.

I look forward to catching up with many of you on 21st October and wish you every success with the tracing of our classmates.

Created: 3 May 2006 - Last Amended: 3 May 2006 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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