BHS Shield (Image Missing!)

Dianne Yates/Parker

I've spent my life in full time ministry with the Presbyterian Church in parishes in Gladstone, Toowoomba, and Bundaberg before coming to Brisbane in the mid-80's to begin Hospital Chaplaincy. In 2000 I added aged care chaplaincy to our many folk in Nursing Homes across Brisbane - going in to care often means separation from familiar areas and friends and at least this way we can maintain some contact with them.

I live in Indooroopilly, after marrying in 2002 and inheriting a family including a bright five year old grandson who lives in Melbourne. My husband is a Baptist minister who does some Theological lecturing, but mostly works from home as Administrator and Editor for an International Theological publication as well as writing Church history.

I have kept 'yates' in my email address (my husband is also a D Parker) to save confusion as most people still know me as Dianne Yates.

Life is fairly busy normally, although I have had several months out of the loop because I could not drive as the result of eye surgery - however normal life resumed last week and I am gradually catching up.

Created: 15 February 2007 - Last Amended: 15 February 2007 by Roger Clarke - Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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