Since 1995, a substantial set of resources has been available on this and the associated Information Infrastructure site, attracting well over 30 million hits to the end of 2023. The resources address many different aspects of:
'Electronic business', e-business or eBusiness. This is a useful general term for the conduct of business with the assistance of telecommunications and telecommunications-based tools. It encompasses a vast array of categories.
Electronic commerce, EC, e-commerce or eCommerce. This refers to support services for trading in goods and services. It encompasses inter-organisational e-mail; directories; trading support systems for commodities, products, customised products and custom-built goods and services; ordering and logistic support systems; settlement support systems; and management information and statistical reporting systems.
The resources in this segment of the site can be accessed in the following ways, most useful first:
Starter Resources, here
The Topic-Based Index of my papers on eBusiness themes, up-to-date at 31 December 2024, below
The What's New Page (because the indexes are never fully up-to-date), here
The Chronological Index of my papers on eBusiness themes, here
The Search Facility, in the button at the top-right-hand side of the page
A chronological index of Presentations is here
Annotated Bibliography of eBusiness Papers
What's Busy? These are the Most Highly Cited and Accessed Papers
See also the following recent papers:
1. Underlying Theories
Here is a statement of the definitions I use for key EC terms.
Here is my exposition of strategic information systems theory (1992-94).
This is supplemented by an assessment of strategic theory in low-competitive contexts (1996).
With Gillian Dempsey, I summarised the economics of innovation in the information industries (2004).
I introduced the concept of Supra-Organisational Systems (1988), to provide a collective term for a set of system topographies.
Most classes of supra-organisational system are discussed in the IS literature. One that is not, however, is one that I introduced in Extra-Organisational Systems: A Challenge to the Software Engineering Paradigm (1992).
2. Strategic and Policy Aspects
2.1 National Strategy
Here are some very early proposals for information infrastructure as a basis for the information economy and information society:
- Vision for a Networked Nation: The Public Interest in Network Services (with Tom Worthington, 1994)
- Information Infrastructure for The Networked Nation (1994)
- The Strategic Significance of National Information Infrastructure (1995)
- Submission Regarding NOIE's Preliminary Statement: 'Towards an Australian Strategy for the Information Economy' (1998)
- Key Features of Effective I.T. Applications for the New Economies, plus PowerPoint slides (2002)
- The Economic and Cultural Impacts of the Free Trade Agreement Provisions relating to Copyright and Patent Law (2004)
- Submissions re the Free Trade Agreement Provisions in Chapter 17 relating to Copyright and Patent Law, to the Joint Committee on Treaties, April 2004, and the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement (2004)
- List of Key Submissions to the Joint Committee on Treaties (2004)
- The Economics of Innovation in the Information Industries (2004, with Dempsey G.)
- eCommerce and eGovernment (Slides, 2004)
- The Internet and Democracy: Has Hong Kong Left It Too Late?? (2004)
- The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and to Business (2006)
- Innovation and Open Access to Information (2008)
- Security, for Society: A View from the End of the World (2012, and slide-set)
A couple of assessments of progress include:
2.2 Corporate Strategy
Strategic aspects have been considered from the perspectives of individual corporations, industry sectors, and governments. The topics are in chronological order, so that I can keep track of the line of development of the ideas.
(1) EDI
(2) eCommerce
- EDI is But One Element of Electronic Commerce (1993)
- EC Themes of the Last Decade, and the Next (1997)
- What's Holding Up EC in Australia? (1997)
- Electronic Trading in Copyright Objects (1999)
- E-Consent: A Key Issue in the New E-Context (2000)
- Digital Rights Management (DRM) Will Beget DCRM (2001)
- Towards a Taxonomy of B2B e-Commerce Schemes (2001)
- Leadership Online: People and Organisational Performance (Intro, Contents and PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- e-Consent: A Critical Element of Trust in e-Business, plus PowerPoint slides (2002)
- Critical Developments in eBusiness (Slides, 2004)
- Open Content Licensing (2004)
- The Past, Present and Future of B2C eCommerce (2005)
- It's Really About Identities Management, and from Both Sides (2006)
- Google's Gauntlets (2006)
- Google Challenges Corporations, Consumers and the Law (2006)
- A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept 'B2C' (2006)
- What's Google Really Up To? (2006)
- The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and to Business (2006)
- Mobilising for a (Mostly) Mobile Future, Executive Report (11,000 words) Cutter Consortium (2010)
- Robodebt: An Exemplary Case Study of a Failed Transformative IT Project in the Public Sector (Full Working Papert, 2022)
- Robodebt: A Socio-Technical Case Study of Public Sector Information Systems Failure (AJIS 2024, first-named author with Michael K. & Abbas R.)
(3) Regulatory Aspects, particularly Privacy
- Privacy as a Strategic Factor (1996)
- Internet privacy concerns confirm the case for intervention (1999)
- Privacy as a Means of Engendering Trust in Cyberspace Commerce (2001)
- econsent: A critical element of trust in ebusiness (2002)
- Regulatory Compliance? Or Regulatory Strategy? (2003)
- Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (2005)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements (2006)
- It's Really About Identities Management, and from Both Sides (2006)
- Google's Gauntlets (2006)
- Google Challenges Corporations, Consumers and the Law (2006)
- A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept 'B2C' (2006)
- Make Privacy a Strategic Factor - The Why and the How (2006)
- What's Google Really Up To? (2006)
- The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and to Business (2006)
- B2C Distrust Factors in the Prosumer Era (2008)
- The Cloudy Future of Consumer Computing (2011)
- Security and Cloudsourcing (2011)
- Security, for Society: A View from the End of the World (2012, and slide-set)
- Does AI need governance? (2019)
- Why the World Wants Controls over Artificial Intelligence (CLSR, 2019)
- Principles and Business Processes for Responsible AI (CLSR, 2019)
- Regulatory Alternatives for AI (CLSR, 2019)
- Submission to Department of Industry, Innovation & Science re 'Artificial Intelligence: Australia's Ethics Framework (2019)
- The OECD's AI Guidelines of 22 May 2019: Evaluation against a Consolidated Set of 50 Principles (2019)
- The Current AI Push is Naive, Unethical, or Both (2019)
- The Australian Department of Industry's 'AI Ethics Principles (2019)
- Regulation of digital platforms as part of economy-wide reforms to Australia's failed privacy laws (2019)
- Managing Technology-Associated Risk (2020)
- RegTech Opportunities in the Platform-Based Business Sector (2020)
- Evaluating the Impact of Digital Interventions into Social Systems: How to Balance Stakeholder Interests (2022)
- Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical Interventions (2022)
- Impact Assessment as a Part of Doing Business (2024)
- Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical System Projects (ACIS 2024, first-named author, with Michael K.)
(4) Cloud Computing
2.3 Business Models
The digital era has seen the emergence of new 'eBusiness Models', some sustainable, some dubious, and some downright fraudulent. Contributions in this area have included:
2.3 (1) The Digital Surveillance Economy
'Web 2.0' technologies achieved what they set out to achieve, destroying the World Wide Web, and establishing the foundations for a new and even more consumer-hostile business model.
I coined the term in 2016, in order to address at a more workmanlike level the key ideas underlying Shoshanna Zuboff's flighty 'surveillance capitalism' notion. The primary exposition is in 'Risks Inherent in the Digital Surveillance Economy: A Research Agenda' (2019).
My papers on the topic are indexed on another page.
2.4 Intellectual Property (Copyright, Patents)
A major area of concern during the digital era is the stultifying effect of outdated intellectual property laws and practices, and of dinosaur publishing companies desperately trying to sustain outmoded practices and business models.
My major papers in this area are:
Other papers have included:
- Electronic Publishing : Commercial Considerations (1996). See also Gillian Dempsey's Copyright Guide
- Electronic Publishing's Implications for Universities (1999)
- File Discovery and Sharing Technologies: MP3, Napster and Friends, and Their Impact on Music E-Publishing (2000)
- Stephen King and E-Publishing (2000)
- Digital Rights Management (DRM) Will Beget DCRM (2001)
- Ethical and Social Aspects of I.T. - Property in Bits - IP's Impact on IP (2002)
- Internet-Induced Constraints on Freedoms: The Implications for Innovation, plus 'teaser' slide-set (2002)
- Digital Property Rights vs. Human Rights: Desperate Publishing Houses Are Demanding A New Dark Ages, plus slide-set (2002)
- To Share *and* To Profit - Open Content Licensing, plus PowerPoint slides (2003)
- Open Source Licensing (2003)
- Copyright: The Spectrum of Content Licensing (2003)
- Open Source and Open Content as Models for e-Business, plus PowerPoint slides (preliminary version, 2003)
- The Economic and Cultural Impacts of the Free Trade Agreement Provisions relating to Copyright and Patent Law (2004)
- Open Source Software and Open Content As Models for eBusiness (final version, 2004)
- Open for eBusiness - an interview (2004)
- Submissions re the Free Trade Agreement Provisions in Chapter 17 relating to Copyright and Patent Law, to the Joint Committee on Treaties, April 2004, and the Senate Select Committee on the Free Trade Agreement (2004)
- List of Key Submissions to the Joint Committee on Treaties (2004)
- The Economics of Innovation in the Information Industries (2004, with Dempsey G.)
- eBusiness Models: Lessons from Open Source and Its Enemies (2004)
- eBusiness Models for Content: The Closed v. The Open Approaches (2004)
- Open Content Licensing (2004)
- Peer-to-Peer (P2P) - An Overview (2004)
- eBusiness Models for Sharing Content (2004)
- A Standard Copyright Licence for PostPrints (2005)
- Towards a P2P Research Agenda (2005)
- A Proposal for an Open Content Licence for Research Paper (Pr)ePrints (2005)
- IP Business Models for the TAFE Sector (2005)
- Open Content Licensing and a 'Fair Go' for Creatives in a Digital Environment (2006)
- Google's Gauntlets (2006)
- Google Challenges Corporations, Consumers and the Law (2006)
- Business Models providing Incentive to Open Content (2006)
- What's Google Really Up To? (2006)
2.5 Impediments
Impediments to the implementation of EDI have been examined in detail in a series of documents, including academic papers and consultancy reports for various agencies of Australian governments.
Generic factors affecting progress in e-commerce as a whole have been addressed in the following papers:
More specific analyses include the following:
- project methods appropriate for EC schemes involving Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) (with Julie Cameron, 1996)
- The Willingness of Net-Consumers to Pay: A Lack-of-Progress Report (1998)
- Internet Marketing Code Must Respect Web Culture (1998)
- Anonymous, Pseudonymous and Identified Transactions: The Spectrum of Choice (1999)
- E-Commerce Law (1999)
- Why Would M-Marketing be Trusted by Consumers and Small Enterprises ?? (PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications: Technology and Policy Foundations (2001)
- Authentication: A Sufficiently Rich Model to Enable e-Business (2001)
- The Re-Invention of Public Key Infrastructure (2001)
- Identity Management: The Technologies, Their Business Value, Their Problems, Their Prospects (2004)
- The Search for Balance: The Past, Present and Future of Privacy Impact Assessments (2004)
- Identity and Nymity: Public Policy Issues (2004)
- Is eGovernment for People, or against People? Challenges to Personal Information Management Arising from eGovernment Business Models and Technology Trends (2004)
- Identity Management? Or (Id)Entity Mismanagement? (2004)
- Trust Among Mobile Business Partners (2005)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements (2006)
- It's Really About Identities Management, and from Both Sides (2006)
- Make Privacy a Strategic Factor - The Why and the How (2006)
- Digital Privacy (2006)
- The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and to Business (2006)
- Can Mobile Payments be Secure Enough? (2007)
- The Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements A Pilot Study Against a Normative Template (2008)
- Consumer Acceptance of Potentially Intrusive Identity Authentication Mechanisms (2009, plus slide-set)
- Why the World Wants Controls over Artificial Intelligence (CLSR, 2019)
- 'Data Protection & Data Privacy (2021)
The following resources were provided:
2.6 Regulatory Aspects
Generic papers include the following papers:
Specific topics that have been addressed include:
- Privacy Issues in Smart Card Applications in the Retail Financial Sector (1996)
- Regulating Financial Services in the Marketspace (1997)
- policy issues arising from digital money (1997)
- Privacy Aspects of Chip-Based Identification Schemes (1997)
- Internet Marketing Code Must Respect Web Culture (1998)
- Technological Aspects of Internet Crime Prevention (1998)
- The Technical Feasibility of Regulating Gambling on the Internet (1998, conference version)
- The Feasibility of Regulating Gambling on the Internet (2000, journal version)
- Beyond the Alligators of 21/12/2001, There's a Public Policy Swamp (paper plus PowerPoint slide-set, 2001)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements (2006)
- Google's Gauntlets (2006)
- Google Challenges Corporations, Consumers and the Law (2006)
- What's Google Really Up To? (2006)
- Digital Privacy (2006)
- The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and to Business (2006)
- An Evaluation of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of the LinkedIn Professional Networking Service (2010)
- The Dangers of Contactless Payment: Visa PayWave and MasterCard PayPass RFID-Chip Schemes (2012)
- Risks Inherent in the Digital Surveillance Economy: A Research Agenda (2017)
- How do they get away with it? The Legal Framework of the Digital Surveillance Economy (slide-set, 2017)
- Biometrics as RegTech (2017)
- Guidelines for the Responsible Application of Data Analytics (2017)
- Cyberspace, the Law, and our Future (2017)
- A Framework for RegTech (2017)
- The Impact of the Digital Surveillance Economy on Competition in Australia (2018)
- Digital platforms: The need to restrict surveillance capitalism (2019)
- Does AI need governance? (2019)
- Regulatory Alternatives for AI (CLSR, 2019)
- 'Research Opportunities in the Regulatory Aspects of Electronic Markets' (Review Version, 2021)
- 'OAIC Guide to Securing Personal Information' (2021)
- Evaluating the Impact of Digital Interventions into Social Systems: How to Balance Stakeholder Interests (2022)
- Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical Interventions (2022)
- Regulatory Alternatives for AI and Robotics and slide-set (Seminar for ANU LLM, 2024)
- The Authentication of Textual Assertions (Seminar for ISF Workshop, 2024)
- Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical System Projects (ACIS 2024, first-named author, with Michael K.)
- Responsible Application of Generative AI (Working Paper, 2024)
- Recognise, Evaluate and Address Downsides of GenAI (Panel Notes and Slides, 2024)
2.7 Research
Papers on research methods in e-commerce include the following:
A significant number of papers were written concerning the precursors to the Internet era of electronic commerce. Subsequently, many papers have been written on particular forms of eCommerce. This section brings them together. Here are papers that review the period 1988-2012:
Here is a very popular (but brief) introduction.
A number of surveys have been undertaken of EDI practices in Australia, particularly within Australian government, together with two in Austria:
- Commonwealth Government Practices and Intentions Relating to EFTS, EFT/POS and EDI, 100 pp. (1990)
- EDI & Commonwealth Purchasing, 70 pp. (1991)
- EDI und die öffentliche Verwaltung (in German, transl. EDI and government administration) (1992)
- Survey of Purchasing-Related EDI in Government, 100 pp. (1992)
- Grundlagen und Spezifika der österreichischen Situation am Sektor EDI (1992)
- Commonwealth Government Practices and Intentions Relating to EDI: Report on a Survey, 120 pp. (1992)
- EDI Growth Patterns in Commonwealth Government Agencies (1993)
- EDI: The Practices and Intentions of Agencies of the Commonwealth Government - 2nd Survey Report 1993/94, 82 pp. (1993)
- SECSAGA: Survey of the EDI Capability of Suppliers to Australian Government Agencies, 64 pp. (1993)
- Progress in the Use of EDI in the Australian Federal Government As Revealed by Longitudinal Research (1994)
- The Path of EDI Application in Australian Government Agencies: 1989-94 (1994)
- GPIE: A 6-Year Longitudinal Research Project into Government Practices and Intentions Relating To Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) (1994)
- EDI in Australia: 1993-94, 100 pp. (1995)
- Survey of the EDI Capability of Suppliers to Australian Government Agencies (1995)
3.2 Web-Based eCommerce
Various aspects of the history and technology of eCommerce over the World Wide Web have been addressed, in a succession of papers:
Electronic Trading / Electronic Markets
A general overview is provided by a segment of a final-year undergraduate course on e-Trading (2000-2009).
A series of papers has examined particular instances of electronically supported markets, particularly auctions:
Payment Schemes
A considerable amount of work has been performed in this area. The published materials are in two segments:
- Net-Based Payment Schemes
- Chip-Card-Based Payment Schemes
3.4(1) Net-Based
Payment Mechanisms
A series of works relates to the critical question as to how the transfer of value is to be achieved over the information infrastructure. Basic treatment is in:
More detailed examinations are to be found in:
Payment Schemes
A series of works arose from projects undertaken in the period 1988 to 1997 in relation to payment applications of smart cards. These were variously consultancy assignments and academic research projects.
Introductory information includes:
Reports that are publicly available include:
Examinations of issues arising in relation to chip-based schemes include:
It was necessary to re-visit the area due to the cavalier manner in which the payments industry suddenly shifted to unauthenticated credit and even debit payments in 2010-12:
3.5 Multi-Function Chip-Card Schemes
Smart cards are capable of being designed to participate in multiple schemes rather than just one. A variety of publications have addressed this area, arising primarily from consultancy assignments but also from academic research projects and public advocacy work.
Introductory information includes:
Reports that are publicly available include:
Examinations of issues arising in relation to chip-based schemes include:
Reports are also provided on the Code of Practice of a key industry association, the Asia-Pacific Smart Card Forum, to address those issues:
3.6 Cryptography
Cryptography delivers the basis both for the security of data and value, and means to support some forms of authentication.
Introduction to the area is provided in:
Assessments of some of the impacts of cryptography are provided in:
3.7 Public Key Infrastructure
Far from being of assistance to the progress of e-business, infrastructure to support digital signatures has been so badly handled that it is instead a serious impediment.
CLICK HERE for the index to the many papers I've published in this area (now part of a page on Identity).
3.8 Mobile Technologies
Papers include:
3.9 Cloud Computing
Various flavours of outsourcing, 'right-sourcing' and (re-)insourcing have been in vogue during the period 1980-2010. A 'new' phase then emerged, dressed in the marketing term 'cloud computing'. To underline its close similarity to predecessors, I prefer to call it 'cloudsourcing'. The key difference is that the cheapest form of processor is once again sufficiently powerful to run more than one application at a time – and hence the term 'server' has reverted to its original use to refer to software rather than hardware – and the applications that organisations depend can now (in principle at least) be run on any compatible machine, anywhere – for which the marketing buzz-phrase 'server virtualisation' has been created. There are potential benefits; and a lot of risks to be managed.
3.10 Social Media
Social networking services emerged in 2004, and were variously accompanied and followed by participative tools and micro-blogging. The term 'social media' gradually emerged to encompass all of the new field. And the business imperative of 'monetising' market-share progressively saw the designs become more exploitative.
My early contributions, 2004-10, considered social media mainly from the consumer and privacy perspectives. Here is the series of papers that examined the eBusiness aspects:
3.11 Big Data
Automated data capture, changed economics of data storage and destruction, and increasing 'datafication' have given rise to vast quantities of data. The 'data mining' tag has given way to 'data analytics'. Some old messages have been lost and need to be re-discovered, and some new challenges need to be confronted:
- Big Data's Big Unintended Consequences (2013, IEEE Computer)
- Quality Factors in Big Data and Big Data Analytics (2014, Working Paper)
- Big Data, Big Risks, plus supplementary materials (2014)
- Quality Factors in Big Data and Big Data Analytics and Their Legal Implications (2014)
- Risk Management for Big Data Projects (2015, Seminar)
- Big Data Quality: An Investigation using Quasi-Empirical Scenario Analysis (2015, Proc Bled eConf)
- Big Data Quality Assurance (2015, plus slide-set)
- Why the Term 'Algorithmic' is Misleading (2015, UNSW)
- Big Data, Big Risks (2016, ISJ)
- Data Availability and Use (2016, Submission to the Productivity Commission)
- Quality Assurance for Security Applications of Big Data (2016, Proc EISIC)
- Big Data Prophylactics (2016, IFIP Summer School / 2017, Book Chapter)
- Inadequacies in the UK Cabinet Office's Data Science Ethical Framework (2016, with Charles Raab)
- Guidelines for the Responsible Application of Data Analytics (2017-18, CLSR)
- Towards Responsible Data Analytics: A Process Approach (2018, Proc Bled)
- Guidelines for Responsible Data Analytics (2018, UN Privacy Rapporteur Event, Sydney CBD)
- The Responsible Application of Data Analytics (2018, D2D CRC, Adelaide)
- Principles and Business Processes for Responsible AI (2019)
- Beyond De-Identification: Record Falsification to Disarm Expropriated Data-Sets (Bled, 2019)
- IT and Data Ethics (ANU, 2020)
- The Effectiveness of Bluetooth Proximity Apps in Tracing People with COVID-19 Exposure Risk (2020)
- The Many Faces of the COVIDsafe App (2020)
- The COVIDsafe App: A Case Study in Professional Responsibility (2020)
- Do Ethical Guidelines have a Role to Play in Relation to Data Analytics and AI/ML? (2020)
- 'Simulation Modelling for COVID-19 Public Health Management' (2021)
- 'IT and Modelling Applications in Support of Public Health Management during the COVID-19 Pandemic' (2021)
- 'A Simulation Model for COVID-19 Public Health Management: Design and Preliminary Evaluation' (2021), and slide-set
- 'IT and Data Ethics (2021)
- 'Robodebt: An Exemplary Case Study of a Failed Transformative IT Project in the Public Sector (Full Working Paper, 2023)
- Robodebt: A Socio-Technical Case Study of Public Sector Information Systems Failure (AJIS 2024, first-named author with Michael K. & Abbas R.)
3.12 eObjects, IoT, etc.
Encompassing all of the variants of ubiquitus, pervasive, ambient and IoT.
3.13 Blockchain
3.14 Artificial Intelligence
- The 50 Principles
- The Article Series
- The Re-Conception of AI — Papers and Presentations
- Other Articles, Submissions, Working Papers
- Does AI need governance? (2019)
- Submission to Department of Industry, Innovation & Science re 'Artificial Intelligence: Australia's Ethics Framework (2019)
- The OECD's AI Guidelines of 22 May 2019: Evaluation against a Consolidated Set of 50 Principles (2019)
- The Current AI Push is Naive, Unethical, or Both (2019)
- The Australian Department of Industry's 'AI Ethics Principles (2019)
- IT and Data Ethics (Lecture, 2020)
- Do Ethical Guidelines have a Role to Play in Relation to Data Analytics and AI/ML? (Conf paper, 2020)
- The EC's Proposal for Regulation of AI: Evaluation against a Consolidated Set of 50 Principles (Working Paper, 2021)
- 'Responsible Application of Artificial Intelligence to Surveillance: What Prospects?' (2021)
- Regulatory Alternatives for AI and Robotics and slide-set (Seminar for ANU LLM, 2024)
- Responsible Application of Generative AI (Working Paper, 2024)
- Recognise, Evaluate and Address Downsides of GenAI (Panel Notes and Slides, 2024)
(1) Educational Resources
The following are useful too, but need an update:
(2) Vulnerabilities and Threats
(3) Safeguards
See also the index of papers on Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PETs)
(4) Specific Contexts
(5) Conceptual Papers
(6) Other Papers
5. Internet-Stimulated e-Business Segments
A reference document provides definitions of key terms currently in use. A significant number of papers address the following segments
Consumer EC / Consumer Marketing (B2C)
Some pre-Internet papers include:
A review of the emergence of I-Commerce is at:
After seeing the first, appalling attempts to use the Internet to assault consumers in much the same way as was appropriate during the era of broadcast mass-media print-ads, billboards, radio and TV, a series of severely critical papers was written:
- Key Issues in Electronic Commerce and Electronic Publishing (1998)
- The Willingness of Net-Consumers to Pay: A Lack-of-Progress Report (1998)
- Internet Marketing Code Must Respect Web Culture (1998)
- Anonymous, Pseudonymous and Identified Transactions: The Spectrum of Choice (1999)
- Society's View of Business and I.T. (2000)
- E-Consent: A Key Issue in the New E-Context (2000)
- Introduction to the Wireless Application Protocol (2000)
- Stephen King and E-Publishing (2000)
- File Discovery and Sharing Technologies: MP3, Napster and Friends, and Their Impact on Music E-Publishing (2000)
- e-Libraries and e-Shopping (2000)
- Privacy is a Key Factor in I-Consumer Marketing (2000)
- Digital Rights Management (DRM) Will Beget DCRM (2001)
- Why Would M-Marketing be Trusted by Consumers and Small Enterprises ?? (PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Trust in Cyberspace: What eCommerce Doesn't Get (Abstract plus PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Research Challenges in Emergent e-Health Technologies (2001)
- e-Business: Consumer Perspectives (overview plus PowerPoint slide-set, 2001)
- e-Consent: A Critical Element of Trust in e-Business, plus PowerPoint slides (2002)
- Very Black 'Little Black Books' (2004)
- Identity Management: The Technologies, Their Business Value, Their Problems, Their Prospects (2004)
- The Shopping Cart Model (2004)
- The Past, Present and Future of B2C eCommerce (2005)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements (2006)
- It's Really About Identities Management, and from Both Sides (2006)
- Google's Gauntlets (2006)
- Google Challenges Corporations, Consumers and the Law (2006)
- A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept 'B2C' (2006)
- Make Privacy a Strategic Factor - The Why and the How (2006)
- What's Google Really Up To? (2006)
- Digital Privacy (2006)
- The Feasibility of Consumer Device Security (2007)
- Health Records: Privacy Versus Quality of Care (2007)
- Can Mobile Payments be Secure Enough? (2007)
- 'A Best Practice Model for eConsumer Protection' Computer Law & Security Review 26, 1 (January 2010) 31-37 (2010, second-named author, with Dan Svantesson)
- The Cloudy Future of Consumer Computing (2011)
- eConsumer Insecurity: Five Sensationalist Headlines, and Why They're True (2013)
- 'The Trade Practices Act: A Hard Act to Follow? Online Consumers and the New Australian Consumer Law Landscape' James Cook Uni. L. Rev. 20 (December 2013)(second-named author, with D. Svantesson)
- The Digital User/ee: Consumer, Actor or Participant? (Seminar, Uni. Kassel u. Uni. Leipzig, 2015)
- Risks Inherent in The Digitalisation of the Individual: A Research Agenda (2016)
- How do they get away with it? The Legal Framework of the Digital Surveillance Economy (slide-set, 2017)
- Future-Oriented Research Agendas, and Competing Ideologies: Responses to Commentaries on 'The Digital Surveillance Economy (JIT 2019)
- Risks Inherent in the Digital Surveillance Economy: A Research Agenda (JIT 2019)
- Future-Oriented Research Agendas, and Competing Ideologies: Responses to Commentaries on 'The Digital Surveillance Economy (JIT 2019), esp. s.3
- Digital platforms: The need to restrict surveillance capitalism (2019)
- 'Research Opportunities in the Regulatory Aspects of Electronic Markets' (Review Version, 2021)
- 'Privacy practices in the general insurance industry' Financial Rights Legal Centre, (FRLC, April 2022)
Other relevant papers are identified below, under the headings of Trust and Cyberculture.
5.2 Business-with-Business e-Commerce (B2B)
Foundation papers written prior to the Internet explosion were:
Internet-era papers include the following:
- project methods appropriate for EC schemes involving Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs) (with Julie Cameron, 1996)
- What's Holding Up EC in Australia (1997)
- Key Issues in Electronic Commerce and Electronic Publishing (1998)
- E-Commerce Law (1999)
- Electronic Services Delivery: From Brochure-Ware to Entry Points (1999)
- Electronic Trading in Copyright Objects (1999)
- Key Design Issues in Marketspaces for Intellectual Property Rights (2000)
- Towards a Taxonomy of B2B e-Commerce Schemes (paper plus PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Why Would M-Marketing be Trusted by Consumers and Small Enterprises ?? (PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- E-Procurement: Traps & Invitations to Failure (PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- The New Intermediaries: Value-Chain Opportunities and Threats (Intro, Contents and PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Trust in Cyberspace: What eCommerce Doesn't Get (Abstract plus PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- If e-Business is Different, Then Research in e-Business is Too (invited plenary paper plus PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Trust Among Mobile Business Partners (2005)
- How Business Payments Get Processed in Australia (2010)
- An Evaluation of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of the LinkedIn Professional Networking Service (2010)
- 'Research Opportunities in the Regulatory Aspects of Electronic Markets' (Review Version, 2021)
Electronic Publishing
This is a rich area, and I've tackled multiple aspects of it, as follows:
- Foundation Works
- Applications
- Journal Publishing
- Copyright Aspects
- Business Models
- P2P
- Policy Aspects
(1) Foundation works
(2) Applications
(3) Journal Publishing
(4) Copyright Aspects
A separate section focusses on Intellectual Property, especially Copyright.
(5) Business Models
(6) P2P
(7) Policy Aspects
5.4 Electronic Services Delivery (ESD)
The foundation paper is:
Particular aspects are further investigated in:
The foundation papers are:
Particular aspects are investigated in the following papers:
- We Need Information Infrastructure to Support Participative Public Policy Decision-Making (1997)
- Technological Aspects of Internet Crime Prevention (with a team, 1998)
- The Technical Feasibility of Regulating Gambling on the Internet (1998, conference version)
- The Feasibility of Regulating Gambling on the Internet (2000, journal version)
- Public Key Infrastructure: Position Statement (1998)
- Leadership Online: People and Organisational Performance (Intro, Contents and PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Relevance of Portals to e-Government (PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Research Challenges in Emergent e-Health Technologies (2001)
- Can Digital Signatures and Public Key Infrastructure Be of Any Use in the Health Care Sector ??? (notes and PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Identity Management: The Technologies, Their Business Value, Their Problems, Their Prospects (2004)
- The Internet and Democracy (2004)
- Identity and Nymity: Public Policy Issues (2004)
- Is eGovernment for People, or against People? Challenges to Personal Information Management Arising from eGovernment Business Models and Technology Trends (2004)
- eCommerce and eGovernment (Slides, 2004)
- The Internet and Democracy: Has Hong Kong Left It Too Late?? (2004)
- Open Content Licensing (2004)
- Identity Management? Or (Id)Entity Mismanagement? (2004)
- Evidence to the Victorian Parliamentary Enquiry into eDemocracy (2005)
- Research for eGovernment: Key Issues (2005)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements (2006)
- It's Really About Identities Management, and from Both Sides (2006)
- Health Records: Privacy Versus Quality of Care (2007)
- Government Service Delivery: Near-Future Realities in a High-Bandwidth World (2009)
- Centrelink's Big Data 'Robo-Debt' Fiasco of 2016-17 (2018)
- Robodebt: An Exemplary Case Study of a Failed Transformative IT Project in the Public Sector (Full Working Paper, 2022)
- Robodebt: A Socio-Technical Case Study of Public Sector Information Systems Failure (AJIS 2024, first-named author with Michael K. & Abbas R.)
Forays in this area include:
5.7 e-Health
Contributions include:
5.8 e-Transport / Intelligent Transportation Systems
A foundation paper is:
5.9 International Trade
A number of papers have been published relating to various aspects of electronic support for international trade, including:
It has long been held that e-commerce is dependent on trust among the parties. But much of the conventional wisdom about how to inculcate trust has been seriously wide of the mark.
The foundation papers are:
These are supported by many papers on a wide variety of sub-themes:
The Public's Interests Generally
Contributions include:
- Issues in Technology Based Consumer Transactions (1996)
- Public Interests on the Electronic Frontier (1997)
- New Millenium or New Dark Ages? (1999)
- Submission to the Treasury Taskforce on Industry Self-Regulation (1999)
- Panellists' Statements for 'What Must E.C. Deliver Now??' (2000)
- Digital Rights Management (DRM) Will Beget DCRM (2001)
- Of Trustworthiness and Pets: What Lawyers Haven't Done for e-Business (2001)
- Why Would M-Marketing be Trusted by Consumers and Small Enterprises ?? (PowerPoint slides, 2001)
- Research Challenges in Emergent e-Health Technologies (2001)
- Identity and Nymity: Public Policy Issues (2004)
- Is eGovernment for People, or against People? Challenges to Personal Information Management Arising from eGovernment Business Models and Technology Trends (2004)
- Peer-to-Peer (P2P) - An Overview (2004)
- eCollaboration - Some Looming Impediments (2007)
- Security, for Society: A View from the End of the World (2012, and slide-set)
- Research Opportunities in the Regulatory Aspects of Electronic Markets (2020)
- Evaluating the Impact of Digital Interventions into Social Systems: How to Balance Stakeholder Interests (2022)
- Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical Interventions (2022)
- Beyond Artificial, and Beyond Intelligence: Old-AI is Dead, Long Live New-AI and AC (2022)
- 40 Years of I.T. and A.I. and What It Means for the Next 20 Years (2022)
- Robodebt: An Exemplary Case Study of a Failed Transformative IT Project in the Public Sector (Full Working Paper, 2022)
- Robodebt: A Socio-Technical Case Study of Public Sector Information Systems Failure (AJIS 2024, first-named author with Michael K. & Abbas R.)
- Multi-Stakeholder Risk Assessment of Socio-Technical System Projects (ACIS 2024, first-named author, with Michael K.)
6.2 Consumers' Commercial Interests
Contributions include:
6.3 Consumers'
Privacy Interests
This is a major area of my work. Contributions include:
- Information Technology and Dataveillance (1988)
- Human Identification (1994)
- Identification, Anonymity and Pseudonymity (1995-97)
- The Digital Persona (1994)
- Customer Profiling (1997)
- Privacy Aspects of Stored-Value Card Schemes (1996)
- the Australian Smart Card Industry's Code of Conduct (1996) and its release (1997)
- Spam (1997)
- Cookies (1997)
- Privacy and E-Lists (1997)
- Chip-Based Identification (1997)
- Digital Signatures (1997)
- Privacy on the Internet (1997)
- a survey of public attitudes to privacy (1997); and a reference list of surveys (1996-)
- Cyberspace invades personal space (1998)
- Direct Marketing (1998)
- W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences:
- Public Key Infrastructure: Position Statement (1998)
- Anonymous, Pseudonymous and Identified Transactions: The Spectrum of Choice (1999)
- The Packer / PBL / Acxiom InfoBase (1999)
- Society's View of Business and I.T. (2000)
- E-Consent: A Key Issue in the New E-Context (2000)
- Privacy is a Key Factor in I-Consumer Marketing (2000)
- Privacy as a Means of Engendering Trust in Cyberspace (2001)
- Authentication Technologies and Their Privacy Implications: Technology and Policy Foundations (2001)
- Beyond the Alligators of 21/12/2001, There's a Public Policy Swamp (paper plus PowerPoint slide-set, 2001)
- Biometrics Inadequacies & Threats & Privacy-Protective Architecture, plus PowerPoint slides and upgraded slide-set (2002)
- e-Consent: A Critical Element of Trust in e-Business, plus PowerPoint slides (2002)
- Why Biometrics Must Be Banned, plus PowerPoint slides (2003)
- Very Black 'Little Black Books' (2004)
- The Search for Balance: The Past, Present and Future of Privacy Impact Assessments (2004)
- Identity and Nymity: Public Policy Issues (2004)
- Identity Management? Or (Id)Entity Mismanagement? (2004)
- Business Cases for Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (2005)
- A Pilot Study of the Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements (2006)
- It's Really About Identities Management, and from Both Sides (2006)
- Google's Gauntlets (2006)
- Google Challenges Corporations, Consumers and the Law (2006)
- A Major Impediment to B2C Success is ... the Concept 'B2C' (2006)
- Make Privacy a Strategic Factor - The Why and the How (2006)
- What's Google Really Up To? (2006)
- Digital Privacy (2006)
- The Costs of 'National Security' to Privacy, and to Business (2006)
- Google and Privacy (2007)
- Health Records: Privacy Versus Quality of Care (2007)
- The Effectiveness of Privacy Policy Statements A Pilot Study Against a Normative Template (2008)
- Privacy and Consumer Risks in Cloud Computing (2010)
- An Evaluation of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy of the LinkedIn Professional Networking Service (2010)
- Internet Users' Second-Party Exposure (2010)
- The Cloudy Future of Consumer Computing (2011)
- Checklist of Consumer Concerns re the Personally Controlled eHealth Record (PCEHR) (2011, for APF)
- Security and Cloudsourcing (2011)
- Cyber-Safety – Evidence to the Joint Select Committee, and Hansard (2011)
- Reactions to Mozilla's BrowserID Proposal (2011)
- What Everyone Ought to Know About Passwords (2011)
- Patients forgotten in setting healthcare standards (2011)
- Privacy as a Strategic Factor in Social Media: An Analysis Based on the Concepts of Trust and Distrust (2012, and slide-set)
- Personal Data Markets: A Matter of Perspective (2016)
- Risks Inherent in The Digitalisation of the Individual: A Research Agenda (2016)
- Risks Inherent in the Digital Surveillance Economy: A Research Agenda (2017)
- How do they get away with it? The Legal Framework of the Digital Surveillance Economy (slide-set, 2017)
- Guidelines for the Responsible Application of Data Analytics (2017)
- Digital platforms: The need to restrict surveillance capitalism (2019)
- The Many Faces of the COVIDsafe App (2020)
- 'Data Protection & Data Privacy (2021)
- 'Privacy, Smart Meters and Electricity Usage Data' (APF, 2022)
- 'Privacy practices in the general insurance industry' Financial Rights Legal Centre, (FRLC, April 2022)
In addition, here are my personal notes on 7 of the 12 Computers, Freedom & Privacy Conferences held between 1991 and 2002:
plus 'Why I'm Not Going to CFP 2003'
6.4 Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) and Privacy-Sympathetic Technologies (PSTs)
CLICK HERE for the index to the papers I've published in this area (now part of a page on Identity).
Closely Related Topics
A series of papers have been published relating to the National/Global Information Infrastructure, and the Internet in particular. Those papers are in an adjacent segment of these pages, including an annotated bibliography.
The following have direct relevance to electronic commerce:
Papers in this area are indexed here.
Created: 15 February 1995 -
Last Amended: 31 December 2024
by Roger Clarke
- Site Last Verified: 15 February 2009
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