Kasia and Brendan's Wedding
19 March 2005


Go to the home-page for the rest of the wedding.

Thanks to the many guests who provided these shots.
The file-sizes are 60-100KB, or 8-15 seconds per file using a 56Kb dial-up modem.
If you're on broadband, you can download them all in one zipped file (about 0.5 MB).

If you have photos to contribute (or if you see any errors that we need to fix!), please let us know.

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Friends - 2 Friends - 4
Breakfast Cooks Bails and Davidges

© Xamax Consultancy Pty Ltd, 2005
This document is at http://www.xamax.com.au/Family/KBW-Breakfast.html
Created:  1 April 2005  -  Last Amended:  2 May 2005