This is a page within Roger and Linda's Bunhybee Grasslands Web-Site.
Bunhybee Grasslands is a 49 hectare / 120 acre conservation property 35km south of Braidwood, in southern N.S.W.
You can follow through the internal links, or you may find it easier to use the Site-Map.
This site contains a copy of Appendix C from the Plan of Management provided by NCT when the property was purchased from them. It contains a list of the flora species that were recorded during informal surveys of the Conservation Areas of both Bunhybee Grasslands and the neighbouring The Parlour Grasslands from September 2007 through to January 2008.
The Conservation Area supports a high diversity of plants with a total of 192 species recorded during a number of informal ground surveys including 161 native species in Table 1, and 31 introduced species in Table 2.
This document will be left unchanged, to provide a baseline. Another version will be progressively revised with new information.
Abundance: Rp/c = rare patches or clumps < 3 patches with < 10 plants per patch, R = Rare at site (< 3 plants), O = Occasional (<5% cover), Ip/c = intermittent patches or clumps, I = intermittent/subdominant, F = frequent/dominant.
Bold Font: Species that are threatened (Vulnerable or Endangered under the Threatened Species Conservation Act 1995 or Environmental Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) are marked in bold font.
Asterisks and Bold Font: Species in bold and marked with an Asterix * are noxious or environmental weeds.
Scientific Name | Common Name | Frequency Code |
Acacia brownii | R/p | |
Acacia dealbata | Silver Wattle | R/p |
Acacia gunnii | Ploughshare Wattle | R/p |
Acacia mearnsii | Late Black Wattle | R |
Acacia melanoxylon | Blackwood Wattle | R |
Acaena x anserovina | R/p | |
Acaena novae-zelandiae | Bidgee Widgee | R |
Acaena ovina | Sheep’s Burr | R |
Acrotriche serrulata | Honeypots | O |
Adiantum aethiopicum | Maidenhair Fern | R/p |
Agrostis meulleriana | ||
Ajuga australis | Austral Bugle | R |
Allocasuarina distyla | A she-oak | O |
Alternanthera sp. | Lesser Joy-weed | |
Amyema pendulum | A mistletoe | O |
Aristida ramosa | Purple Wire-grass | O/p |
Asperula conferta | Common Woodruff | O |
Asplenium flabellifolium | Necklace Fern | R |
Astroloma humifusum | Cranberry Heath | R |
Austrodanthonia carphoides | Short Wallaby Grass | R/p |
Austrodanthonia laevis | ||
Austrodanthonia spp | Wallaby Grasses | O |
Austrostipa densiflora | Brushtail Speargrass | R |
Austrostipa falcata | Cork-screw grass | I |
Banksia marginata | Silver Banksia | R |
Bossiaea buxifolia | Box-leaved Bossiaea | O |
Bossiaea prostrata | Creeping Bossiaea | O |
Bothriochloa macra | Red-grass | O |
Brachyscome heterodonta | Lobe-seeded Daisy | R |
Brachyscome rigidula | Leafy Daisy | R |
Brachyscome scapigera | ||
Brachyloma daphnoides | Daphne Heath | O/p |
Bulbine bulbosa | ||
Bursaria spinosa | ||
Caesia calliantha | ||
Callistemon sieberi | River Bottlebrush | R/p |
Calotis glandulosa | Mauve Burr-daisy | R |
Carex breviculmis | Short-stemmed sedge | O |
Carex tereticaulis | ||
Carex sp. | A sedge | O |
Cassinia longifolia | Dolly Bush | R |
Cassinia sp. | A cassinia | R |
Centipeda minima | Spreading Sneezeweed | R/p |
Chamaecyce drummondii | Caustic Weed | R |
Cheilanthes sp. | A rock-fern | R |
Chenopodium pumilo | Small Crumbweed | O |
Chloris truncata | Windmill Grass | |
Chrysocephalum apiculatum | Common Everlasting | O/p |
Chrysocephalum semipapposum | Clustered Everlasting | R |
Convolvulus angustissimus | Blushing Bindweed | R |
Cotula australis | Water Buttons | R |
Craspedia variabilis | Billy Buttons | O |
Crassula sieberiana | Australian Stonecrop | O |
Cymbonotus lawsonianus | Austral Bear’s ear | O |
Daviesia mimosoides | Leafy Bitter-pea | R |
Desmodium varians | Slender Trick-trefoil | R |
Dianella longifolia | Smooth Flax-lily | R |
Dichelachne crinita | A plume-grass | O |
Dichelachne rara | A plume grass | R |
Dichondra repens | ||
Diuris chryseopsis | Golden Moths Orchid | O |
Diuris sulphurea | Tiger Orchid | R/p |
Eleocharis ?gracilis | ||
Elymus scaber | Common Wheat-grass | O |
Enneapogon nigricans | Nineawn Grass | R |
Epacris microphylla. | A heath | R/p |
Epilobium billardierianum | La Billardiere’s Willowherb | R |
Eragrostis parvifolia | Weeping Lovegrass | R |
Eragrostis trachycarpa | ||
Eucalyptus aggregata | Black Gum | R |
Eucalyptus dives | Broad-leaved Peppermint | O/p |
Eucalyptus pauciflora | Snow Gum | O |
Eucalyptus rubida | Candlebark | O/p |
Eucalyptus viminalis | Manna Gum or Ribbon Gum | R |
Euchiton involucratum | A cudweed | R |
Euchiton sphaericum | A cudweed | O |
Exocarpus cupressiformis | Cherry Ballart | OS |
Fimbristylis dichotoma | ||
Galium gaudichaudii | Rough Bedstraw | R |
Geranium antrorsum | Antrorse Geranium | R |
Geranium solanderi | Native Geranium | R |
Glycine clandestina | Twining Glycine | R |
Gompholobium minus | Dwarf Wedge-pea | O |
Gonocarpus tetragynus | Common Raspwort | O |
Goodenia hederacea | Ivy-leaf Goodenia | O |
Goodenia hederacea ssp. alpestris | ||
Hakea microphylla | Small-fruited Hakea | R/p |
Haloragis heterophylla | Swamp Raspwort | O |
Hardenbergia violacea | Native Sarsparilla | R |
Helichrysum rutidolepis | ||
Hemarthria uncinata | Mat-grass | O/p |
Hibbertia obtusifolia | Grey Guinea-flower | O |
Hovea linearis | Creeping Hovea | O |
Hydrocotyle algida | Swamp Pennywort | R |
Hydrocotyle laxiflora | Stinking Pennywort | |
Hypericum gramineum | Small St John’s Wort | R/p/c |
Hypericum japonicum | A St John’s Wort | R |
Hypoxis hygrometrica | ||
Isoetopsis graminifolia | Grass Cushion | O |
Isotoma fluviatilis | Swamp Isotome | R |
Joycea pallida | Red-anthered Wallaby Grass | R/p |
Juncus filicaulis | Pinrush | R |
Juncus fockei | ||
Juncus planifolius | ||
Juncus sp. | A rush | R |
Kunzea parvifolia | Violet Kunzea | O/p |
Lachnagrostis filiformis | ||
Laxmannia gracilis | Wire Lily | R/p |
Leptorhynchos squamatus | Scaly Buttons | O |
Leptospermum lanigerum | Woolly Teatree | |
Leptospermum myrtifolium | A teatree | O/p |
Leptospermum obovatum | A teatree | O/p |
Leptospermum polygalifolium | A teatree | O |
Leucopogon fraseri | A beard-heath | O |
Leucopogon virgatus | Slender Beard-heath | O/p |
Linum marginale | ||
Lomandra filiformis | Wattle Mat-rush | O |
Lomandra longifolia | Spiny Mat-rush | R |
Lomandra multiflora | Many-flowered Mat-rush | R |
Lomatia ilicifolia | Holly-leaf Lomatia | R |
Luzula sp. | A woodrush | O |
Lythrum hyssopifolium | Purple Loosestrife | R/p |
Melichrus urceolatus | Urn Heath | R/p |
Mentha diemenica | ||
Microlaena stipoides | Weeping-grass | O |
Microstis sp. | An onion orchid | R |
Myriophyllum sp. | Milfoil | R |
Opercularia hispida | Hairy Stinkweed | O |
Ophioglossum lusitanicum | Adder’s Tongue | O |
Oreomyrrhis eriopoda | Native Carraway | R |
Oxalis perennans | Grassland Wood-sorrel | R |
Panicum effusum | Hairy Panic | O |
Persicaria prostrata | ||
Pimelea curviflora | Curved Rice-flower | R |
Pimelea glauca | Shrubby Rice-flower | R/p |
Plantago gaudichaudii | Narrow Plantain | O |
Plantago varia | Variable Plantain | O |
Poa labillardieri | River Tussock | O |
Poa meionectes | O | |
Poa sieberiana | Poa Tussock | R |
Poa sp. | A tussock grass | R |
Poranthera microphylla | Small Poranthera | R/p |
Pterostylis falcata | A greenhood orchid | O |
Pultenaea subspicata | Low Bush-pea | R |
Ranunculus lappaceus | Common Buttercup | O |
Ranunculus sp. | A buttercup | R/p |
Rumex brownii | Swamp Dock | R |
Rumex dumosus | Wiry Dock | R |
Sarga leiocladum | ||
Schoenus apogon | Common Bog-sedge | O |
Scleranthus biflorus | Mossy Knawel | O |
Senecio quadridentatus | Hoary Ragwort, Fireweed | R |
Solenogyne dominii | Smooth Solenogyne | O |
Solenogyne gunnii | Hairy Solenogyne | O |
Spiranthes sinesis | ||
Stackhousia monogyna | Creamy Candles | O |
Stylidium graminifolium | Grass Trigger-plant | O |
Themeda australis | Kangaroo-grass | O |
Thelymitra sp. | A sun orchid | O |
Thysanotus tuberosus | Common Fringe-lily | R/p |
Tricoryne elatior | Yellow Rush-lily | O |
Triptilodiscus pygmaeus | Austral Sunray | O/p |
Utricularia dichotoma | Fairy Aprons | R |
Velleia montana | Montane Velleia | R/p |
Veronica calycina | ||
Veronica gracilis | Graceful Speedwell | O |
Viola betonicifolia | Native violet | R |
Vittadinia cuneata | Fuzzy New Holland Daisy | O |
Vittadinia muelleri | Narrow-leafed New Holland Daisy | R/p/c |
Wahlenbergia spp. | Native bluebells | O |
Wurmbea dioica | Early Nancy | R |
Acetosella vulgaris | European Sorrel | O |
Aira sp. | Hair Grass | O |
Anagallis arvensis | Scarlet Pimpernel | R |
Anthoxanthum odoratum | Sweet Vernal-grass | R/p |
Briza minor | Shivery-grass | R |
Bromus hordaceus | Soft Brome-grass | R |
*Carduus nutans | Nodding thistle | R |
Centaurium erythraea | Pink Stars or Common Centaury | R |
Cerastium glomeratum | Mouse-ear Chickweed | R |
Cirsium vulgare | Black Thistle | R |
Conyza bonariensis | Fleabane | R |
Echium plantagineum | *Paterson’s Curse | R |
Gnaphalium americanum | A cudweed | R |
Holcus lanatus | Yorkshire Fog | R |
Hypochaeris glabra | Smooth Cat’s-ear | R |
Hypochaeris radicata | Cat’s-ear | O |
Lepidium africanum | A peppercress | R/p |
Nassella trichotoma | *Serrated Tussock | O/p |
Paronchia brasiliana | Chilean Whitlow-wort | O |
Paspalum dilatatum | Paspalum | R |
Petrorhagia nanteuilii | Proliferous Pink | O |
Plantago coronopus | Buck’s-horn Plantain | O |
Plantago lanceolata | Ribwort Plantain | O |
Rosa rubiginosa | *Sweet Briar | R |
Rubus fruticosus spp.agg. | *Blackberry | R |
Salix sp. | *A willow | R |
Sisyrinchium sp. A | A scourweed | R |
Sonchus oleraceus | Common Sow-thistle | R |
Taraxacum officinale | Dandelion | R |
Trifolium spp. | Clovers and trefoils | R |
Vulpia sp. | A rat’s-tail fescue | O |
This is a page within the Bunhybee Grasslands Web-Site, home-page here, and site-map here
Created: 31 December 2008; Last Amended: 12 January 2009